teeny tiny series
From 2016 - 2017 (while mostly living in NYC) I became somewhat obsessed with drawing on photos. Below are the fifty pieces I completed.

fusion - flatiron

waiting - central park

fishermen - nyc

enough - nyc

it wakes - hell's kitchen

break - times square

snowman - queens

gabriel - upper west side

sneak - hell's kitchen

eskimos - madison square park

shark - flatiron

wonderful - lincoln center

santa - upper west side

taxi - gramecy

coffee - lincoln center

travis - washington heights

buddy - hell's kitchen

little red - soho

sledging - hell's kitchen

gollum - central park

bench - central park

trip - jfk

train - clapham junction

rabbit hole - port authority

cake - flatiron

butterfly - empire state

venetian - venice

don't look - venice

trash - hell's kitchen

anything - union square

hope - midtown

toilet - midtown

couple - central park

raincheck - brooklyn

swing - hell's kitchen

ballerina - lincoln center

ironing - flatiron

play with us - london

cobwebs - surrey

fisherman - central park

umbrella - central park

selfie - nyc

sunset cat - port authority

falcor - hell's kitchen

wave - midtown

landed - nyc

selfie II - central park